Sour Lemons

What is more refreshing than a nice slice of lemon in your water or a piece of fresh orange?

With summer just around the corner and fruit in full bloom make sure you’re paying attention to how much you are eating and using in your water.

Certain citrusy fruits can be one of the leading causes to dental erosion.

Teeth have a very strong enamel; however, that enamel can be weakened and compromised when they are exposed to too much acidic substance. Read more »

Grinding and Night Guards

Have you ever woken up with a sore jaw? Are you getting earaches or neck aches? 

You may be grinding your teeth at night.

Teeth grinding, better known as Bruxism, usually occurs while you’re asleep ;however,  can happen while awake. 

The causes of Bruxism are not clear but stress is one possible cause. Other things that are thought to be associated with teeth grinding are anxiety, sleep apnea and misaligned teeth. Read more »